251 major improvvisation/composition
 by Dimitry , 23/05/2009  15:29:36, Lessons articles, read 2517 times


251 is 1 of the most used and common used cadences in Rock pop and jazz..
For those who don’t know what 251 stands for we are talking about a sequence of chords of this type:
2nd grade, 5th grade & 1st grade.
Example: Dmin7, G7, Cmaj7  
We will talk about that from “a not jazzist” point of view.
We are on C major Key.
-         Which notes can we play in order to create some nice melodies without playing something “too much standard”?
We can have really different solutions about that and we can divide our improvisation in 2 different parts like this:
1 - We use arpeggios and triads.
2 – We play scales.
About the 1st that’s a good example that will help you guys a lot to create really cool melodies:
C maj 7
Point 2: Scales
Here we can really be creative (being carefull not to play wrong notes on the sequence of chords):
D min 7:
- C major scale (considering D min as 2nd grade on the C major scale)
- D min + min pentatonic scale (considering D minor as 6th grade on the F major scale)
-         F major scale (considering D min as 6th grade(eolian mode))
-         Bb major scale (considering D min as 3rd grade on that scale)
-         C major scale (G7 is 5th grade)
C maj 7:
-         C major scale
-         A min scale
-         A min pentatonic scale
-         A min blues pentatonic scale
That’s actually what I think sounds best on a 251 major sequence based obviousely on my experience of recording and composing during the years..
Give a chance to that suggestion and have fun ;.-)
Take care..