by Dimitry , 24/06/2009  16:30:27, Lessons articles, read 2098 times

-That’s actually one of the most important feature in the life of musician. To have your own style is a must for the personality of a musician.

 It’s not that simple to reach that target and above all is not something that you decide to reach in a very short time, takes years spent on the instrument, on the stage, in the studio and at home practicing and practicing.
What’s the best way to get that?
1 – Consciousness of your ability and of your musical skills.
2 – Listen to music in a form of studying.
3 – Study of improvvisation and at least the principles of theory and harmony
4 - Record demos as a form of test to see improvements.
Let’s take that in the details:
1 – With that task I mean: To know yourself as musicians, know who you are and what’s your music attitude.
2 – It’s very very very important to listen different and various kind of music everyday, try to play that, studying the arrangements, the tecniques and It’s a must to include all those stuff in your own compositions and in your playing..
3- That’s important to:
-          Create arrangements.
-          Build melodies and solos.
-          And above all how to move in the chold building.
Well, about that point I’ll post another specific article with a lot of exercises and explanation of how we can use that in the right way to our advantage.
4 – Record your compositions in a demo form to see all the improvements and all the mistake during the weeks, months, years; always keep in mind that word: Sperimentation.
That should be always in your dictionary.
All this is a little bit of what I learned during the years on the stage, in the studio, during the rehearsals with the band, nobody taught me that but anyway experience and years of music atcivities brought me there..