1625 Article
 by Dimitry , 02/07/2009  14:17:53, Lessons articles, read 2871 times


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Second really important cadence, classic example that everybody know:
C maj7 / A min7/ D min7 / G7
We heard and played that several and several times.
Even if it looks and sounds really simple and easy to play melodies on a such chords sequence, I think it’s really important to follow some rules as for example to play Triads and arpeggios in the right way..
Some arpeggios positions on the guitar:
C maj 7
D min 7
A min7
Exercise n.1
Play every arpeggios on his own chord on a loop.
Exercise n.2
Put together all the arpeggios on the chord sequence.
Example: C maj7 (2 bars), A min7 (2 bars), D min7 (2 bars), G7 (2 bars)
All in a loop.
Exercise n.3
Here you are ready to start the “real” improvisation...
Use: Arpeggios, scales (C major or modes), chromatic scales (as connection between an arpeggios and the following one).
Exercise n.4
Make experiments.
Play the arpeggios using tapping, sweeping, string skipping, tremolo bar etc...
Build and use your own style and have always fun..
If you need some other suggestions, I’ll be happy to help you out with that..
Write to me here:
Have fun and take care.