
Inspiria Guitars

Visit Skien Gitarskole og Lydstudio, Dimitry's guitar school website

Fusioncore Records - Independent Record Label & Management

Visit metal band ARCADIA website

Demetrio 'Dimitry' Scopelliti is endorsed by Hotone Audio, Legators Guitars, Lundgren guitar pickups for electric bass and guitar, Randall Amplifiers, ChickenPics guitar picks, Mercuriall Audio, Two notes Audio Engineering, Rigbusters overdrive pedal profiles for the kemper profiler

Demetrio 'Dimitry' Scopelliti is endorsed by RANDALL AMPLIFIERS

Demetrio 'Dimitry' Scopelliti is endorsed by HOTONE

Demetrio 'Dimitry' Scopelliti is endorsed by LUNDGREN, guitar pickups for electric bass and guitar

Demetrio 'Dimitry' Scopelliti is endorsed by ChickenPicks guitar picks

Demetrio 'Dimitry' Scopelliti is endorsed by MERCURIALL

Demetrio 'Dimitry' Scopelliti is endorsed by Two notes Audio Engineering

Demetrio 'Dimitry' Scopelliti is endorsed by VEGA-TREM

Online Lessons


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Online Guitar lessons





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Dimitry's V, The Silent Watcher, The Art of Complications, Codex Magika and Evolution on Itunes

Dimitry's V, The Silent Watcher, The Art of Complications, Codex Magika and Evolution on Spotify

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